Monday, May 23, 2005

May 23, '05

Sunday Night 9:00 p.m is one of the most dreadful hours in my life, as I suddenly remember that all my tasks I had planned for, during the weekend, still remain unfinished in my plate. I suddenly realize that I have not been careful enough in completing the tasks. What next?? ….he he he I conveniently procrastinate it to the coming week ;-)

Let me enlist the 5 top things I dread about(not necessarily in order).
- Civics – one of the subjects I have been paranoid about. I sincerely don’t remember how I passed it (much to my amazement in flying colours). Till date, never in my answers, I have written all the five principles of “Panch sheel”. One of them is usually drafted by me ;-)) I vividly remember the way I threw the book after my Tenth exam to commemorate the fact that I have rang the death bell and nailed the coffin for civics in my life ;-)

- English Memory – Oh God, this has been the Herculean task for my mom. She to make me remember the below six lines, broke all my 208 bones.
“Two birds sat on a wall
one named peter, one named paul
Fly away peter
Fly away paul
Come back peter
Come back Paul”

Even now, my sisters and mom share a secret laugh with me when some kid recites it in the T.V

- English Grammar – I really crib to my mom for making me read it. During all those times, when I find that my score is the lowest in the grammar section, I save my face saying that the English mam is not having enough knowledge to appreciate my writing and honing my skills

- Heat / Thermodynamics – Physics is one of my favourite subjects. But, thermodynamics is an exception to it. I have really cursed Carnot for having invented the engine cycle.

- Probability – The chapter in maths that is of maximum aversion in my life. I am so damn poor at permutations and combinations. I really don’t know who or why did they take so much of pains to formulate it, when people like me just remember the keywords or use the cliché (inky – pinky – ponkey ) to decide, whether it is going to be a nCr or nPr, to be used for a particular problem.


Blogger Vidhya Rajesh said...

You don't seem to be dreading those subjects so much, considering just how much you remember about them still :)

24 May, 2005 17:03  

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