May 31, '05
After a long time, I heard the sweet sound of cuckoo by 6:00 a.m in the morning. It brought the reminiscence of my good old school and college days.
One of the most favourite hours in a day for me, is the morning 6:00 a.m - 8:00 a.m. I really enjoyed it, since my school days. The sweet sound of cuckoo (but somehow we refer it as "akka kuruvi" rather than "kuyil" at home), the cawing of the crows, the breeze which sweeps you off the feet, fills the day, even before I manage to open my eyes but is alert enough to find a cozy position near the well or on the washing stone in the backyard, where I can sit and brush my teeth.
I love to study in our terrace in the morning. I somehow feel that whatever I glance, gets imbibed in me. This does not only include the text book ;-))
I had (please note it is "had)" been an early bird. Even when I have to leave for college by 8:00, I get up by 5:30 a.m and never missed my morning share of the newspaper (even during exam time).
I like the freshness that is seen in everything, in the morning. My dad leaves for office by 6:30. so he is usually up and ready for office by 6:00. May be it is this habit, which got inculcated in us!!!
The mixed smell of the coffee which is brewing in the coffee maker and agarbathi, the slokhas from the radio, the dampness of the platform, which my mom cleans and puts a fresh kolam, the smell of the sacred ash from my father, who just then finishes his prayers, the neatly folded Hindu paper thrown by the newspaper boy, fills the energy in the cup of life. As said, if there is heaven on earth, it is here, it is here !!!
Wait, wait the morning is not yet complete, if I dont mention the tension of my elder sister. There was a time, when both of us left for the same office at the same time as we go by the same van. The whole house is filled with her words/needs and we (mom, my younger sis and I) are all busy serving it, like searching her document left on the sofa, which grew wings overnight to fly and nest in her shelf or the duppatta - I used to wonder how she always selected a dress which has the duppatta safely secured in the other bedroom. It would be incomplete, if I dont mention her forgetting the watch and the helmet (when she was going to office by two wheeler) on an everyday basis. To say in local parlance, She is such a "tension party" !!! When I used to relax myself citing, I have another 2 "more" minutes to go and can easily glance thru' one more article in the newspaper, my sis' is worried that she has "just" another 10 more minutes to leave the house. It would be incomplete if I dont mention the leg-pulling of my younger sis. She always manages to time her comments and fills nitrous oxide in our busy rat race. That is us!!!
Really mom is a poor soul who had daughters, who are poles apart !!!